Ecobrick Settee and Coffee Table

econ sofa

After what seems like forever we have at last been able to build and install a project built here in the UK following the principles of plastic sequestration as laid out in the guidelines produced by the Global Ecobrick Alliance. 

I would like to introduce to you the Ecobrick Settee and coffee table at Four Acres Academy in Bristol. 

Encon construction Ltd have built a new Waste and Recycling centre in Bristol.  As part of the community benefits that run alongside the build they have been working with Four Acres Academy in Bristol. 

They have run lots of educational workshops for the children and one of those was to create an ecobrick project. 

I was asked to run one of the Global Ecobrick Alliances (GEA) starter workshops for the children, and to build a settee and coffee table following the guidelines of the GEA plastic sequestration principles. 

And here it is!

358 ecobricks all logged and authenticated on with a combined weight of 180.09 kgs put to use in the school. It is in the area of the school that the foodbank works from, combining messaging to the children of good healthy food and taking care of the plastic that they have no control of coming into their hands. 

The equivalent amount of AES sequestered plastic was purchased, and a certificate produced via the plastic offsetting system on

Follow the link to see how easy it is for you to offset your plastic usage that you cannot avoid to support ecobrick projects around the world and in the UK who are taking care of the plastic in their communities

The settee and coffee table was designed and built by Robert Green who at 18 is the UK’s master ecobrick module maker having been trained By Russell Maier from the GEA and has now made over 150 modules. If you would like to book him to teach you how to build modules with your ecobricks, or Ecobricks UK to lead workshops – either starter workshops or ecobrick Trainer courses get in touch.

AES plastic offsetting is available from
13:51, 22 Sep 2021 by Lucie Mann